Welcome to The Schnauzer Club of NSW Inc (Australia) Website
Feel free to browse and learn about our favourite breed of dog, the Schnauzer (Miniature, Standard and Giant).
The Schnauzer Club's main goal is the betterment of the breed, and asserts that its membership has an obligation to the Schnauzer breed (including Miniature, Standard and Giant) to preserve the magnificence of the breed without exploiting it.
The Club was established with those goals in mind and as we expand into each new area of involvement, we continue to strive towards those goals. The Club's membership is actively involved in all facets of the breed that contribute to these goals.
Please browse our website to read and learn about our breed and remember to come back for updates and other information.
The Schnauzer Club would like remind all members that in
16th 7th April Mr J Lee ( China) will be conducting
Schnauzer grooming seminars and club members will be given first option to book.
Puppy scammers are becoming far more sophisticated, so please be very diligent with your inquiries when contacting a breeder. (See '12 Questions To Ask A Breeder')
Check out our Events, Shows and Trials pages for more information about future events. Last minute information regarding shows/events will be made available on our Facebook site.
The Committee of SCNSW Inc, as guided by Dogs NSW, has been working on the development of an updated Constitution for our Club. Both the old and revised Constitution documents are available for review here:
Current Document 1 Document 2 Document 3
The revised Constitution is currently being finalised and will be able to be acccessed via this website once completed.
From 11th January, 2024, The Schnauzer Club of NSW Inc is no longer associated with "Schnauzer Rescue NSW". The Club is still whole-heartedly committed to schnauzer welfare and helping dogs in genuine need of care.
Any enquiries please email The Schnauzer Club of NSW Inc.
[email protected] or Angus McIlrath [email protected]
If you want to locate a quality puppy from a registered breeder please email our Puppy Registrar at:
Please provide your name, address, and contact number together with some background details about yourself, family, previous dog ownership and why you think a Schnauzer would suit you and your lifestyle.
It is a requirement that all exhibitors and designated handlers adhere to:
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Schnauzer Club of NSW Inc
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